Group Benefits

JLA Partners Insurance

Group Insurance Benefits

Every company wants good business strategies to make sure they are ahead of the competition. One key strategy is to make sure you are attracting the best qualified candidates by offering a cost effective Group Benefits medical insurance plan. A group plan can be a significant factor in retaining good employees too.

Partnering with an Independent Agency like JLA Partners Insurance to provide a competitive plan, could be what sets you apart! We help you attract and retain your winning team.

Our experienced Advisors work with employers that have as few as 2 employees to employers with hundreds of employees. There is no business too big or too small for us! Partnering with the Top Insurance Carriers, Brokers and Third Party Administrators we are able to create a unique plan with support for your business needs and goals. As your business grows we will be there to adjust and support.

At every renewal JLA Partners Insurance will be your advocate. We will work diligently in advance of your renewal to obtain the best pricing and help you compare your options with different plans. This will allow you to consider all of your options so that you can make the very best decision for you and your team. During this time we will also help you review and understand your loss history and claims experience. Using this knowledge we will work together to take advantage of the available programs to help keep your employees well and educated on how they can best use the benefit program.

Speaking of options do you know the difference between Fully Funded and Self Insured Benefit programs? Our knowledgeable staff will always look at both options for your business. When Self‐Funded programs make sense business are even able to retain some of their premium investments which in the end can save thousands of dollars.

Fully Funded Vs. Self Insured Benefit Programs

Speaking of options do you know the difference between Fully Funded and Self Insured Benefit programs? Our knowledgeable staff will always look at both options for your business. When Self-Funded programs make sense business are even able to retain some of their premium investments which in the end can save thousands of dollars.

Major Types Of Group Benefits

Group Health Insurance
Group health insurance coverage is a policy that is purchased by an employer and is offered to eligible employees of the company (and often to the employees’ family members) as a benefit of working for that company. A group health insurance plan is a major part of many employee benefits packages that employers provide for their employees.

Group Life Insurance
Group life insurance (also known as wholesale life insurance or institutional life insurance) is term insurance covering a group of people, usually employees of a company, members of a union or association, or members of a pension or superannuation fund. Individual proof of insurability is not normally a consideration in the underwriting. Rather, the underwriter considers the size, turnover, and financial strength of the group.

Group Disability Insurance
Group Disability Insurance is a type of group insurance that provides regular income replacement payments to an insured member of the group in the event of an eligible disability resulting from illness or injury. Coverage is generally offered in two types: short-term disability (STD) or long-term disability (LTD).

Group Accident/Supplemental Insurance
Supplemental insurance is extra or additional insurance that you can purchase to help you pay for services and out-of-pocket expenses that your regular insurance does not cover in the event of an accident or other covered loss.

Group Dental/Vision Insurance
When organizations want to offer the best dental and vision care benefits to attract and retain the best employees they need to work with our group dental and vision experts. We have access to the benefit plans that will keep your group members, employees, and their families healthy.